Tag Archives: centipede

Pest Word Search: What Pest Did You Find?

In Houston, it’s really easy to find pests inside your home (unless of course you’ve hired the pest management professionals of Bulwark Exterminating); especially the disgusting and disease carrying cockroach.

What may prove to be a little tougher challenge, is finding all the pests in the “pest test” word search puzzle that has been going around Facebook all summer.

Haven’t seen it?

We’ll here you go:

The Pest Test Word Search

Word Seach of Pests

How’d you do?

Could you find all the pests hidden within? Hint: The pests are bugs, ant, scorpion, wasp,  roach, fly, bedbugs, lice, termite, gnat, spider, flea, and centipede.

What pest did you see first?

Over 10,000 people commented the first pest that they found in the puzzle, as the social media piece made its way around Facebook. Want to know how your find stacks up against the others who also searched for the pests? Look no further than the following infographic:

Pest Word Search Infographic– What Pest Did You Find?


Pest Infographic

Thomas Ballantyne