Tag Archives: e coli

Dallas Travelers May Not Be Traveling Alone at DART’s Mockingbird Station

Give me an E!


Give me a C!


Give me O!


Give me an L!


Give me an I!


What’s that spell?!!


Well, at least that’s what thousands of live cockroaches spelled earlier this week in Dallas in front of Dallas Area Rapid Transit’s (DART) Mockingbird Station.  In a unique publicity stunt, The Dallas Observer reported that a local pest control company raised a billboard in front of DART’s station in an attempt to remind the passing public that cockroaches can carry up to 33 infectious deseases, including E. coli.  The billboard was only on display for an afternoon, and the cockroaches are said to have returned to the roach farm from which they came.

We certainly hope all the cockroaches are accounted for back at the farm.  Otherwise, there could be a few stowaways traveling in and around the greater Dallas metropolitan area.  Be on the lookout for any hitchhikers in your luggage.  And if asked if traveling alone, just tell them that is your best assumption.