Tag Archives: Pest Control Service

Houston Residents Battling Fire Ants


fire_ant_worker1 (Photo credit: bart_drees)

If you live anywhere in the Houston, TX area you have likely had an unfortunate encounter with the Red Imported Fire ant. These ants have the reputation of being one of the worst pests in Texas, and rightfully so. In terms of human health, property damage, and environmental damage; no other pest can match the malevolence of these property pests… And Houston residents know it!

Houston Fire Ants

Residents of Houston, and surrounding areas, have been battling Red Imported Fire ants since their arrival in the late 1930’s. Their population has spread tremendously; so much in fact that certain areas in Texas have reported some 200 Fire Ant mounds per acre. That’s a scary thought considering one fire ant mount can house more than 250,000 ants a piece.

Another scary thought is that stings from these ants have been responsible for some 100+ deaths. Most of these deaths occur when someone who is stung has insect allergies. Painful fire ant stings can send a victim into anaphylactic shock. A sting victim will experience pain, swelling, itching, redness, dizziness, disorientation, and vomiting.

As you can imagine, these ants can create a major pest control problem for homeowners and local residents. Bulwark Pest Control technicians report that Fire Ants are one of the most frequently called about pests in the Houston, Texas area.

The Impact Of Fire Ants In Texas

Fire ant nest

Fire ant nest (Photo credit: Martin LaBar (going on hiatus))

If their stings weren’t serious enough, Fire Ants can also cause severe property and agricultural damage. Fire Ant mounds can measure several feet in diameter and reach eight feet deep into the soil. This building activity has damaged plant roots, lead to the loss of crops, and interfered with agricultural cultivation.

On top of it all, Red Imported Fire ants are also attracted to electrical wiring and equipment. They are known for creeping into the electrical wiring of stop lights and shorting them out. This activity is the leading cause of traffic light malfunctions in Texas.

In the state of Texas, Red Imported Fire ants cause more than $140 million in damage each year.

The FDA estimates more than $5 billion is spent annually on medical treatment, damage, and control in Fire Ant infested areas.

Ant Control For Fire Ants

Red Imported Fire ant infestations are very challenging to completely eliminate. A one time treatment from an exterminator, or a do-it-yourself pest control method, will only break up the ants into smaller colonies as they wait out the effects of the pesticide. Controlling Fire Ant populations takes consistent effort, and ant control strategies, from a professional who has experience in treating these malevolent insects.

Houston Ant Control

Bulwark Exterminating
10900 Brittmoore Park Drive
Houston, TX 77041
(281) 668-4930
AAAnimal Pro: Wildlife Control
8280 Golf Green Circle
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 248- 7804
16155 Park Row, Suite 190
Houston, TX 77084
(832) 460-3698

How To Protect Your Home And Family From Bed Bugs

The frequency of domestic and international travel has greatly contributed to the resurgence of bed bug problems nationwide. A few years back, everyone thought that bed bugs were a thing of the past. Now, however, with homes, schools, hotels, and all kinds of accommodation facilities, including buses, airplanes and cruise ships all being infested by bed bugs, people have realized how easily a once contained pest problem can become a national issue once again.

Today, it’s pretty difficult to stop the spread of bed bugs because travel, as mentioned earlier, is more common, and the creatures themselves are pretty sneaky. They can easily hide in bags, clothes, linen, and other items. They are pervasive, and they suck blood. All of these characteristics make them scary even though they might only be as small as apple seeds. Bed bug infestations are frightening, and no homeowner would want to be saddled with this kind of problem. Hence, people should take measures to protect their home, especially their kids, from bed bugs.

Here are a few things that will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from the nasty bloodsuckers.

1. Know who their friends are. You have to be involved in your children’s lives so that you’re updated about the latest happenings. Your child might mention something about a classmate who has a bug problem at home. In case you discover this, be extra vigilant and check your kid’s things and his room. It will also help to alert the teacher about this.

2. Be informed before allowing your child to go on a sleepover. Determine if the friend hosting the event has a problem with bed bugs. Try to glean some information about the home life to determine if the family has had pest issues in the past. It would also be better to talk to the parents concerned. Tell them about your bed bug concerns. They will likely open up to you in case they have a pest problem.

3. Clean and vacuum regularly. This way, you’ll easily get rid of lost bed bugs that might have just migrated into your home. Bed bugs also prefer clutter. If you regularly clean, you’re removing hiding places. Don’t forget to caulk cracks or put weatherstripping in gaps so that small pests will not be able to enter your house.

4. Teach your child how to protect his things from bed bugs. Tell him to keep his school bag zipped closed so that the bugs won’t be able to hide in his things. Ask him to check his bag first before taking this inside your house and in his room so that he won’t unwittingly carry bugs in your abode.

5. Use your laundry machine to your advantage. Bed bugs can be killed by heat. In case you believe that your house is infested, regularly launder clothes, bedding, and other things. After washing stuff in hot water, put things in a dryer and opt for the highest heat setting. Expose infested items to very hot air for at least 30 minutes.


Claire Trent is a pest professional who wants to help spread awareness about bed bug infestations. In her articles, she talks about Maryland bed bugs exterminator, how to identify the bugs, and what to do in case of a widespread invasion.

Roach Bits- Valentine’s Day Edition


Roach Control Houston, TX

Bulwark Exterminating
10900 Brittmoore Park Drive
Houston, TX 77041
(281) 668-4930
AAAnimal Pro: Wildlife Control
8280 Golf Green Circle
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 248- 7804
16155 Park Row, Suite 190
Houston, TX 77084
(832) 460-3698


A Texas Sized Stink Bug Invasion

English: Brown marmorated stink bug

English: Brown marmorated stink bug (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Stink Bugs Invading Texas

If you live in Texas, there’s no doubt you’ve become well acquainted with a relatively new pest invader; a stinky invader at that. The brown marmorated stink bug arrived in Texas about ten years ago, causing damage to your homes and gardens. Since their initial arrival, they have become more and more frequent; infesting areas of Texas by the thousands. Stink bugs have also proven to be a threat to the economic well being of fruit and vegetable farmers. This has led the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to label this smelly pest as the country’s top invasive pest.

Stink Bugs

There are several types of stink bugs found in Texas, but the most frequently seen and most invasive, is the brown marmorated stinkbug. These stinky pests measure about ½ inch long, and are shaped like a shield. They are brown in color, and have black and white triangles around their body. If you squash or disturb these pests, the will emit a rank odor.

How To Identify A Stink Bug

Controlling Stink Bugs

USDA scientists and researchers promise Texas residents that help is on the way. They are continually looking for ways to control the stink bug population studying the pheromones they release. They are evaluating potential attractants for use in commercial traps, and have actually identified a specific aggressive pheromone that attracts other stinkbugs. Until the traps are available  your best bet to control these pesky bugs is to employ the services of a pest control professional.

Bulwark Pest Control’s Efraen Garcia has been busy trying to keep these invasive pests out of people’s homes:

Invasive insect could raise a stink

Houston Pest Control

Bulwark Exterminating
10900 Brittmoore Park Drive
Houston, TX 77041
(281) 668-4930
AAAnimal Pro: Wildlife Control
8280 Golf Green Circle
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 248- 7804
16155 Park Row, Suite 190
Houston, TX 77084
(832) 460-3698

What Is the Best Way to Kill a Roach?

When dealing with pests, there will be a point wherein you’ll feel at a loss about what to do. Roaches, in particular, are pretty resilient insects. Once you kill one, ten more will appear. Also, even if you behead these horrible creatures, you’ll still see them crawling or flailing their legs as they go belly up. It’s really a challenge to get rid of roaches. Just imagine, these creatures have existed for millions of years, even way before humans have. Roaches are among the oldest pests around, and many even say that these critters will outlive humans. So, how can you fight with the level of evolution that roaches possess?

Using Pesticides against Roaches

Boric Acid

Borax or boric acid is one of the most common and effective pesticides that is used to eradicate cockroaches. How does this work? Boric acid, which you’ll find in powder form, acts as an abrasive that scratches the surface or exoskeleton of these creatures. Once the outer layer is damaged, roaches can easily die due to dehydration.

Boric acid must be applied properly. Generally, you’ll need to create a boric acid barrier. Once roaches step on the powder, they won’t be able to help but ingest the harmful substance as they groom themselves. They can also carry the powder to their colony and spread it to others. You can also make borax-based baits that you need to put near places where you often see these nasty animals.

Diatomaceous Earth

You can also use DE to get rid of cockroaches. This is pretty safe and eco-friendly. The stuff is sprinkled near where roaches are and then it sticks on the exoskeleton. DE works in more or less the same manner as boric acid.

Pesticide Sprays

You may be tempted to swat those bothersome critters, but stop before you do. It’s messy and you might only spread harmful microorganisms. Instead of squashing roaches with whatever you can get your hands on, use pesticide sprays instead. Chemical sprays not only kill roaches, but these also leave residues that ward off others. If you are hesitant about using pesticides, try a more environmentally friendly and safer approach with a spray made from water mixed with a few tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. This will suffocate them.

Roach Bomb

Experts say that roaches can even survive a nuclear explosion. But you can still use a roach bomb, such as a carbamate bomb, to inflict a lot of damage on the population of cockroaches living in your apartment or house. Before you go ahead and blast one of these things off, get help from a pest control expert first. There are safety measures that you have to follow since pesticide bombs are pretty toxic. Professionals do not actually recommend this method because it is very dangerous, especially if an untrained individual does the work himself. Many issues need to be carefully dealt with. For instance, the affected house must be properly cordoned off and sealed. Once the bomb is detonated, the house becomes uninhabitable for at least 48 hours. Afterwards, every exposed surface must be cleaned thoroughly to get rid of residual poison.


Claire Clarke  writes about a variety of topics, such as roach, rodent and ant control. She also blogs for Insight Pest Solutions, which specializes in Boston cockroach control among others.

Merry Christmas From Pest Control Houston

Houston Galleria Christmas Tree

So Much To Do Before Christmas

In just a couple short weeks, Christmas will be here! Are you ready? This time of year we all get so busy. We juggle the Christmas shopping, making travel plans, hanging the outdoor Christmas lights, decorating the tree, and baking those delicious Christmas cookies. Among all of this hustle and bustle, it is easy to forget about the pest control. Unwanted pests can completely ruin an otherwise enjoyable holiday season.

Having A Pest Free Christmas

Houston Pest control professionals can help you have a pest free Christmas. Many offer ant control, rodent control, and spider control. Enrollment in these pest treatment programs will not only eradicate these bothersome pests, but keep them from ever returning to your property.

If you live in the Houston, TX area, and are having trouble with Raspberry ants, Fire ants, or spiders like the Black Widow or the Brown Recluses; call a Houston pest control expert before your Christmas guests get here! Don’t let those pesky ants carry away your Christmas dinner!

Merry Christmas

May you and yours have a very merry and pest free Christmas! May your holidays be overflowing with joy, and your 2013 be filled with many great and prosperous things.

Houston Pest Control Companies:

Bulwark Exterminating
10900 Brittmoore Park Drive
Houston, TX 77041
(281) 668-4930

AAAnimal Pro: Wildlife Control
8280 Golf Green Circle
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 248- 7804

16155 Park Row, Suite 190
Houston, TX 77084
(832) 460-3698

Happy Thanksgiving From Bulwark Exterminating

Thanksgiving Reflections

This time of year gives all of us an opportunity to reflect on the many things we are grateful for. While you’re visiting with friends and family, eating way too much turkey and pie, and watching football, take a moment and give reflect on your blessing. Give thanks.

I’m grateful for all the loved ones I have in my life; my wife, and my daughter especially. I’m grateful for all the liberties I enjoy while living in the greatest country in the world. Even the city of Houston offers many things to be grateful for.

Things We’re Thankful For in Houston

Houston, Texas offers many things to be grateful for. From Houston’s House of Blues, to Houston’s many other fine restaurants, the city has it all. I’m grateful for Houston’s beautiful weather, the Water Wall, the Children’s Museum of Houston, Miller Outdoor Theater, and the Houston Zoo.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, safe, and pest free Thanksgiving! It’s during this time of year we find it easiest to put things into perspective, and count all of our many amazing blessings. This year Bulwark Pest Control is appreciative of all our customers and all our fantastic employees that make our company so successful.

What are you and your loved ones thankful for this year?

Have a Pest Free Thanksgiving

Bulwark Exterminating
10900 Brittmoore Park Drive
Houston, TX 77041
(281) 668-4930

AAAnimal Pro: Wildlife Control
8280 Golf Green Circle
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 248- 7804

16155 Park Row, Suite 190
Houston, TX 77084
(832) 460-3698

Pest Control Map Results

Great article on how google’s local pest control results in the google map section is affecting pest control companies.

Google Maps and Pest Control

Its unfortunate that Google’s results are being manipulated with fraudulent addresses and spamming SEO companies.

Houston Pest Control

Bulwark Exterminating – Houston TX10900 Brittmoore Park Dr # D, Houston, TX? – 281-668-4930? > directions

Bulwark Pest Control
Bulwark Pest Control
DIY Pest Control
St. George Pest Control Bulwark

San Deigo Pest Control – Hearts Pest Control

Way to go Hearts Pest Control in San Diego. We are happy to hear that you are providing excellent service!

Here is our vote for you: San Diego Pest Control

View Pest Control San Diego

The Most Productive Highest Quality Service in the World-

Have you ever heard the Bulwark Pest Control objective?

Bulwarks Objective:

“The Most Productive Highest Quality Service Company In The World.”

How is Bulwark doing?

Google ranks us #1 for that search ( Click Above), so it seems that we get their vote.

Thanks Google!